Archive for September 25, 2009

The new Coronado PST has arrived!

Posted in astronomy, astrophotography, Photo, photography, Solar, Sun on September 25, 2009 by Andrew

I recently ordered a Coronado PST and has arrived.What a incredible little 40mm scope this is .Being only 15 inches long it is extremely sturdy being made of aluminum it is going to serve my purpose very nicely.Arriving by UPS (United parecel Service) I tore into the box like a child at Christmas.I was so excited I couldnt wait to give it a test drive.So grabbing the camera tripod I quickly set the tripod and away I went.My first reaction was of sheer disbelief.A stunning image of our sun with a obvious solar prominence on the eastern limb and a solar filament shaped like a horseshoe in the area of the new sunspot formation.With a bit of tweaking of the tuner,I was able to bring out some granulation on the surface.

Having mounted the scope on a tripod,I had a bit of trouble keeping the sun centered in the eye piece.Not because of the suns drift across the sky but,because the scope was a bit heavy for tripod.If weather permits ,I am going to attempt to piggyback it on my big scope and catch some shots which I will be sharing very soon.
